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Renewing Our Plan

Landscapes3, the county's updated comprehensive plan, renews our commitment to balancing growth and preservation while embracing the unique characteristics that make the county a cherished place to live, work, and play. It builds upon the sound planning foundation created by the original Landscapes plan 20 years ago.

Within Chester County there exists a legacy of planning leadership and collaboration that has created robust and thriving communities. The county, together with our municipalities, residents, businesses, and others, cares deeply about the health and wellness of all community members and the place we call home. While anticipated growth continues to exert pressure, it offers an opportunity to apply planning principles that embrace places, enhance choices, and engages communities to advance a common vision of balancing growth and preservation. Achieving this vision requires us to plan the county's future together.

The Role of the County Comprehensive Plan

This plan serves four primary purposes:

Planning Chester County

Planning Chester County is a four-part video series that highlights what makes Chester County special and the need to protect and enhance these qualities through planning. Watch Videos