Mini/Tiny Homes

What are Mini/Tiny Homes

Mini-homes, also referred to as tiny homes, are residential dwellings typically less than 400 square feet in size. Mini-homes have lower construction, maintenance, and utility costs than large lot single family housing, and can provide a flexible housing type for changing demographics and market trends.

As much as 40% of people living in tiny homes are 50 and older according to AARP.4

Approaches Met

Develop housing options for seniors to age-in-community

Tiny homes are a diverse housing type that provide lower maintenance, more affordably-priced living for seniors.

Facilitate multigenerational and shared housing

Tiny homes can be placed on the same parcels as other homes, making them an option for multigenerational housing.

Create a range of price options for housing

Mini-homes have lower construction, maintenance, and utility costs than typical single-family homes and the smaller lot size needed to accommodate the homes can further increase affordability.

Make it Happen

Similar to regulating traditional housing, municipal regulations for mini-homes should regulate density, impervious cover, landscaping, buffering, access, stormwater management, utilities, property maintenance, and other critical features with appropriate design standards. Municipalities can incentivize mini-home development through reducing permitting fees, reducing lot and bulk requirements, providing additional technical assistance, and providing pre-approved designs.

Mini/Tiny Homes in Practice

Tiny Estates

Tiny Estates is a mini-home community located in Mt. Joy Township, Lancaster County. It was established at the site of an older campground as a continuation of a grandfathered use. As of 2018, Tiny Estates was the largest mini-home community in the United States.

Minka Homes

Minka designs tiny homes with many homes designed specifically for seniors.

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